Peter-Paul Koch, better known as PPK, has helped web developers worldwide with his browser compatibility tables on He has since been researching on mobile browsers. If you are interested in mobile web development, his
articles can be of great utility.
He has
rated the following 21 browsers -
- Safari
- Android WebKit
- Dolfin
- Opera Mobile
- Palm WebKit
- Iris
- BlackBerry WebKit
- MicroB
- Symbian WebKit
- Firefox
- Ozone
- BlackBerry old
- IE Mobile
- NetFront
- Blazer
- Obigo
- Brew browser
- Opera Mini
- Bolt
- Skyfire
- UCWeb
He now plans to focus on the following ten smartphone OSs - Android, bada, BlackBerry, iOS, LiMo, MeeGo, Phone 7, Symbian, webOS, Windows Mobile, and is now
seeking feedback & validation on data related to them.
Also see:
Free Windows Phone 7 Learning Resources