Types of ASP.NET MVC View Engines

A view engine provides Controllers with the ability to translate views into HTML. There are multiple reasons why you may choose one view engine over another. Here is a list of different types of ASP.NET MVC View Engines, the first two are available with ASP.NET MVC 3 -
  • WebForms /ASPX – classic ASP.NET MVC views

  • Razor (CSHTML)

  • Spark

  • NHAML -  (pronounced enamel) is a pure .NET implementation of the popular Rails Haml view engine.

  • NVelocity 

  • Brail

It is possible to use multiple view engines in the same project

Related reading:
ASP.NET MVC View Engine Comparison
Spark and NHaml - Crazy ASP.NET MVC ViewEngines