- UpdatePanels can sometimes be dangerous. If you are using an UpdatePanel, reduce the number of controls within it if you can.
- Update without UpdatePanels - call WebMethods from JavaScript using ASP.NET AJAX
- Enable Compression and Caching using the scriptResourceHandler element in the web.config of your ASP.NET AJAX application.
- Consider setting ScriptManager control's properties LoadScriptsBeforeUI to "False" and explicitly set ScriptMode to "Release".
Generic ASP.NET performance improvement tips that also strongly relate to ASP.NET AJAX -
- Use tools like FireFox Firebug addon YSlow or the Fiddler add-on neXpert, to analyze web pages and identify why they're slow.
- Don’t run production ASP.NET Applications with debug=”true” setting in web.config -
- Disable viewstate if possible.
- Cache images & other static files that do not change frequently.
To be continued...
Also see - HOW TO improve the front-end performance of a website